Prof. Knut Erik Tollefsen: Deciphering the toxicity and risk ofmultiple stressors by computational and experimental efforts


讲座题目:Deciphering the toxicity and risk ofmultiple stressors by computational and experimental efforts



Dr. Knut Erik Tollefsen, senior scientist at Section for ecotoxicology and risk assessment atNorwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) and Adjunct Professor inEcotoxicology at Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). He is an Eurotoxregistered ecotoxicologist with over 20 years of experience in ecotoxicologywith special emphasis on ecotoxicological testing (effect assessment), biomarkerresearch, ecotoxicogenomics, environmental monitoring, combined toxicity andrisk assessment. Dr. Tollefsen is acting as an expert advisor for the NorwegianEnvironment Agency; participates in the OECD working and management group onnon-animal testing (WMG-NA), the OECD advisory group on Molecular Screening andToxicogenomics (EAGMST), The OECD expert group in vitro Fish Hepatic MetabolismTest and the EC expert advisory group on endocrine disruptors. He has extensiveproject management experience in national and international projects and haspublished over 90 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals (h-index:34,i10-index: 69), supervised 6 Bc. Sc. students, 16 M. Sc. Students, 18 PhD.students and 3 Post docs.