

2020年4月和10月,《人新世海岸(英文)》先后收到Web of Science和Scopus数据库遴选与审查委员会(CSAB)通知,经过上述两大国际顶尖学术研究数据库的国际团队评审,本刊达到了ESCI和Scopus收录标准。 


Anthropocene  Coasts received notices from WOE (Web of Science) and CSAB (Scopus  Content Selection & Advisory Board) in April and October 2020  respectively. According to the review of the above two top international  academic research databases, Anthropocene Coasts has reached ESCI And  Scopus inclusion standards.




According to the evaluation results of “Anthropocene Coasts”, the international evaluation experts believe that:

    The  journal consistently includes articles that are scientifically sound  and relevant to an international academic or professional audience in  this field. In general, the content of the articles is consistent with  the scope and aims of the journal, and Anthropocene Coasts addresses a  subject area not properly covered by an existing journal.

我们非常感谢Anthropocene Coasts的各位作者在创刊初期赐稿,正是高质量的稿件推动着我们不断进步,欢迎大家多多引用我们已发表的论文,并把我们期刊推荐给身边的学者。

We  would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you who  contributed excellent articles in the early days of our journal! Welcome  to cite our published papers and recommend our journals to scholars  around you.

“Anthropocene Coasts”同时还是“Future Earth Coasts”的唯一官方学术期刊。本刊2021年12月前免收一切文章处理费用。现诚邀各位专家学者投稿,我们鼓励发表学科融合的研究论文,并欢迎综述、专题述评、研究快报、研究简报等论文。



As  the only official academic journal of Future Earth Coasts (FEC),  Anthropocene Coasts publishes the following paper types: Articles,  Reviews, Topical Communications, Letters, and Notes.Article Processing Charges are waived for all manuscripts submitted by 31 December 2021. 

Contribution link:




NO.1 创刊背景


The  “Anthropocene” is the period during which human activities have had a  marked environmental impact on the Earth, and “Coasts” embraces all  aspects of the land-sea interface. On the basis of traditional  oceanography, with the international emerging frontier concepts of  Anthropocene as the theme background, and the national demand of  sustainable development of coastal economy and society, East China  Normal University, together with Canadian Science Publishing, initiated  the establishment of the international open-access journal Anthropocene  Coasts. The establishment of this journal fills in the blank of  publishing academic journals under the conceptual framework of the  Anthropocene Coasts, which integrates traditional advantageous  disciplines.

NO.2 编委团队

华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室主任高抒教授担任本刊创刊主编。英国皇家工程学院院士Ian Townend教授担任合作主编。来自13个国家的科学家们组成了《人新世海岸》的国际化编委会团队。有多位编委在国际重要海洋学术组织中担任主席及重要国际计划组长等职务。

Professor  Gao Shu, director of the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal  Research (East China Normal University), is the Founding Chief Editor of  the journal. Professor Ian Townsend, a fellow of the Royal Academy of  Engineering, is the Co-Editor. Scientists from 13 countries formed the  international editorial board team of Anthropocene Coasts. Many of our  editorial board members also serve as leaders of important  international projects and chairmen in important international marine  academic organizations.

NO.3 创刊号发表

2018年1月3日,《人新世海岸(英文)》刊登创刊号首篇文章《滨海湿地丧失:原因、后果与修复(英文)》。本文两年内被引用24次。我们按照目前国际刊物的发展趋势,实行开放获取方式,以电子期刊形式发行。所有文章可被Google Scholar检索。

Anthropocene  Coasts published its first article “Coastal Wetland Loss, Consequences  and Challenges for Restoration” on January 3, 2018. This article has  been cited 24 times in two years. In line with the current trend of  international publications, we have adopted the open access mode and  distributed it in the form of electronic journals. All our articles can  be retrieved by Google Scholar.

NO.4 商谈国际合作

2018年10月,“未来地球海岸(Future Earth Coasts)”科学指导委员会会议在华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室成功召开, 提出了河口海岸蓝图重绘的战略。会上国重室主任高抒教授与未来地球海岸主席、《人新世海岸》副主编Bruce C. Glavovic教授商讨了《人新世海岸(英文)》与未来地球海岸的合作事宜。

In  October 2018, the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) meeting of  Future Earth Coasts (FEC) was successfully held in the State Key  Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal  University. The meeting has proposed the strategy of redrawing the  blueprint for the coasts of the future. Professor Gao Shu, director of  the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, has  discussed Anthropocene Coast/FEC cooperation with Professor Bruce C.  Glavovic (chair of FEC, and Associate Editor of Anthropocene Coasts).

NO.5 首个专辑发


In  June 2019, Anthropocene Coasts published its first Special Collection  entitled Coastal Environmental Changes under Increasing Anthropogenic  Impacts.

NO.6 与FEC签约


In  September 2019, Anthropocene Coasts signed contracts with Future  Earth Coasts (FEC), the core project of the international important  scientific plan Future Earth.  Anthropocene Coasts has become the  official academic journal of FEC since then. The journal publishes  multidisciplinary studies on the regime shift in response to  concentrated human activities in the world estuarine and coastal  regions, with the background of climate change.


2020年4月17,《人新世海岸(英文)》(Anthropocene Coasts)编辑部收到Web of Science收录通知,本刊通过了严格评审,达到进入ESCI检索的标准。2020年7月,接到收录通知3个月后, Web of Science Core Collection数据库官网(mjl.clarivate.com/home)显示本刊被ESCI正式收录。所有文章可通过ESCI查询。

On  April 17, 2020, the editorial office for Anthropocene Coasts received  a notification from Web of Science (WOS). Anthropocene Coasts has  passed the strict review and reached the standard of entering ESCI  (the Emerging Sources Citation Index). In July 2020, three months after  receiving the notification of index, Anthropocene Coasts has been  officially indexed by ESCI at the official website of WOS (mjl.clarivate.com/home). All our articles can be found through ECSI.

NO.8 Scopus收录

2020年10月22日,《人新世海岸(英文)》(Anthropocene  Coasts)收到Scopus数据库遴选与审查委员会(Content Selection & Advisory  Board,CSAB)通知,本刊通过了严格评审,达到进入Scopus数据库收录标准。3个月后本刊所有论文可通过Scopus查询。

On  October 22, 2020, the editorial office for Anthropocene Coasts  received a notification from Scopus Content Selection & Advisory  Board (CSAB). Anthropocene Coasts has passed the strict review and  reached the standard of entering Scopus. Three months after receiving  the notification of the index, all articles of Anthropocene Coasts can  be found through Scopus. 

Scopus是最大的学术研究数据库。它与国际顶尖的Web of Science数据库齐名,被全球重要大学和学术机构视为关键的学术评估系统。

Scopus  is the largest database of academic research. Along with Web of  Science, the international top academic database, it is regarded as a  key academic evaluation system by major universities and academic  institutions in the world.