Prof. Susanna T.Y. Tong:Multiscale Infrastructure Adaptation Characterization Studies


讲座题目Multiscale Infrastructure Adaptation Characterization Studies

主  讲 人Prof. Susanna T.Y. Tong,美国辛辛那提大学地理系

主  持  人:余柏蒗教授

开始时间2016627 930



 Dr. Tong is a professor in Geography at University of Cincinnati (UC). She is also the director of the 2+2 program in Geography at UC. She have served as Department Head and Director of Graduate Studies.

She received Bachelor's degree in Geography and Biology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and got Ph.D in Applied Ecology from the Departments of Geograpgy and Biology from Shefdield University in England.

Dr. Tong focus on environmental geography. Her interests include watershed hydrologic modeling, land use modeling, urban ecology, forest fire simulation, heavy metal poisoning, and childhood lead poisoning.

This research presentation reports a part of Dr. Tong’s work with the US Environmental Protection Agency for the last 10 years. There are different phases of the research project. This presentation will discuss a comparative study of the potential hydrologic impacts of future climate and land use changes using hydrologic modeling and land use modeling.

The results show that land use change, especially when coupled with climate change, would have substantial impacts on the future hydrology of not only the Little Miami River Watershed but also the Las Vegas Wash Watershed, which are under a wet and humid climate and dry and hot climate regimes, respectively.