【03-29】中崎清彦 教授:Sustainable utilization of biomass resources and organic waste


 讲座题目:Sustainable utilization of biomass resources and organic waste
 主 讲 人:中崎清彦 教授
 主 持 人:达良俊 教授
 开始时间:2019年3月29日  14:00
 讲座地址:闵行校区 生科辅楼119会议室

       中崎清彦,  男,1957年生,东京工业大学教授,从事生物质资源和有机废物的可持续利用方面的研究,已发表论文110余篇,主编或参编24本著作,拥有日本发明专利34项,国际专利2项。担任日本经济贸易工业部、环境部等政府部门和日本科学理事等学术机构委员职务。

 To enable effective utilization of biomass resources and organic waste,  three technologies were studied in our laboratory: 1) biorefining, to  produce commodity chemicals (e.g., bioethanol and lactic acid, used as  raw materials in the production of biodegradable plastic); 2) producing  fermentative biogas, to generate gaseous fuels for energy recovery; and  3) composting, to obtain biofertilizers. Composting is an important  technology because it can also convert residues generated from other two  technologies. It is a resource recycling technology that, via the  biodegradation process, transforms organic waste into valuable organic  matter for use as organic amendment for soils. Compost is rich in  nutrients and can improve the physico-chemical properties of soil, thus  enhancing plant growth. However, accurately and rapidly distinguishing  good quality compost is a major concern in the field of compost  research. In our laboratory, through analysis of the relationships among  organic matter degradation, plant growth using compost samples, and  changes in microbial consortia with composting progress, indicator  microorganisms of good quality compost were successfully identified.  Using the molecular biological method, the quality of compost could be  controlled. This can help make compost technology more popular in  society. Widespread implementation of compost technology will promote  the construction of a sustainable society via organic waste recycling  and enhancement of the other two technologies, biorefining and  fermentative biogas production.