【12-27】张骞 博士:中国二氧化硫排放的跨区域溢出效应与关键产业链分析


 主讲人:张骞 博士
 主持人:韩骥 教授
 开始时间: 2019年12月27日 上午10:00
 讲座地址:闵行校区 生科楼辅楼119会议室



        张骞,东京大学博士,师从日本废弃物管理和循环经济领域著名学者森口祐一(Yuichi  Moriguchi)教授。现于加拿大维多利亚大学(UVic)从事博士后研究,合作导师为加拿大工程院院士Christopher  Kennedy教授。研究领域包括产业生态学、可持续城市、环境与资源管理、大气环境化学等。研究特长包括温室气体清单编制、环境投入产出分析、物质流分析、生命周期评价、大气监测与应用统计等。在Atmospheric  Chemistry and Physics, Journal of Cleaner Production, ACS Sustainable  Chemistry &  Engineering等知名期刊合著发表SCI/SSCI检索论文近二十篇。他人正面引用三百余次。现为国际产业生态学会会员,国际投入产出学会会员,中国产业生态学会会员。受邀担任国际期刊Journal  of Cleaner Production编委,兼任多个国际期刊审稿人。

 Inter-regional spillover of air pollution can be regarded as a mixture  of economic externalities and long-distance transport. To  comprehensively reveal this problem, a new consumption-based sulfur  dioxide (SO2) emission inventory in 2010 for 30 provincial regions of  China was compiled by introducing source-receptor relationship (SRR)  model to integrate the spillover impacts of physical transport from the  emitter (producer) region to the receptor region and virtual transfer  from the driver (consumer) region to the emitter region. Compared the  emissions induced by final regional demand with the emissions received  in seven regions of China, Southern (0.59 Mt), Northern (0.25 Mt),  Northwestern (0.18 Mt), and Eastern (0.14 Mt) areas outsourced SO2  pollution in the mass, whereas Central (−0.66 Mt), Northeastern  (−0.42 Mt), and Southwestern (−0.08 Mt) areas took excessive  environmental burdens in 2010. As a mega-city, Beijing induced  significant SO2 emissions for power requirement, food consumption,  miscellaneous services, and her vibrant research activities. In total,  the spillover of SO2 emissions induced by Beijing was estimated at  0.20 Mt, 76 times more than its own share as a receptor across the  supply chains. The results can help reduce pollution transfer, properly  tax on drivers, effectively control the emitters, and reasonably  compensate the receptors.