【11-12】 汪健 副教授:Measuring Health Cost of Air Pollution


 讲座题目:Measuring Health Cost of Air Pollution
 主讲人:汪健 副教授
 主持人:韩骥 教授
 讲座地址:闵行校区 生科楼辅楼119会议室



 汪健,上海大学悉尼工商学院经济金融系副教授,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学商学院高级讲师(Senior  Lecturer),日本立命馆大学经济学博士。日本应用地域学会、国际区域科学学会会员。研究方向主要集中在空间经济学和环境经济学,在The  Annals of Regional Science, Review of Urban and Regional Development  Studies, Journal of Environmental Management, Energy Policy, Energy  Efficiency等国际期刊发表多篇论文。英文专著《Economic Analysis of Industry  Agglomeration》在Springer出版发行,并主持国家自然科学基金面上基金和青年基金。受邀作为多个国际期刊审稿人,担任国际区域科学学会会刊Regional  Science, Policy and Practice,“Regional Development in China”专题的 Guest  Editor 。


 We empirically examine the effect of air pollution on medical  expenditure using Korean monthly station-level air pollutant data and  the public health insurance claim records. The endogenous domestic air  pollution effect on health demand is identified and estimated using  Chinese monthly air pollutant data as instrumental variables. From the  main result, we find that nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter  smaller than 10m (PM10) effect positively on both medical expenditure  and number of hospital visits. For respiratory related diseases, carbon  monoxide (CO) has a positive effect on medical expenditure and ozone  (O3) has a positive effect on hospital visit. The estimated coefficients  imply that NO2 and PM10 increase hospital visit by 1.35% and 0.36%  respectively, and the medical expenditure is increased by 0.27% and  0.07% respectively. For the respiratory related diseases, CO increase  medical expenditure by 1.19%, and O3 increase hospital visit by 0.93%.