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发布日期: 2020-05-07   作者:   浏览次数 241

01 论坛简介





To promote academic exchanges and in-depth cooperation between outstanding young scholars at home and abroad, ECNU has taken the initiative to host the annual international forum for young scientists (scholars). During this period, the university's faculties, schools, and departments will also host sub-forums based on different disciplines and academic areas. Through invited speeches on specific topics, academic discussion online, the forum aims at enhancing the participants' understanding of ECNU.

State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research will host Marine Sciences sub-forum at May 31. It provides a platform for marine scientists to explore the discipline hotspots, promoting academic exchanges and cooperation and bring in quality talent.

02 实验室招募方向

Fields and disciplines



The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University require young scientists (scholars) in one of the following fields:

- Hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics

- Harbor, port and coastal engineering

- Estuarine and Coastal morphodynamics

- Marine geology

- Physical oceanography

- Chemical oceanography and biogeochemistry

- Biological Oceanography and Ecosystem Dynamics

- Coastal ecosystems and aquatic environments

- Estuarine and coastal observation system

- Numerical modeling

- Other relevant research topics


03 日程安排

Forum Agenda



Schedule: The forum is planned to be held from May 30 to May 31, 2020. Please pay attention to http://:www.jobs.ecnu.edu.cn or fellow the official WeChat account “ECNUHR” for details. The detailed agenda of the forum will be released soon.


04 报名条件

Application requirements


Applicants should be aged below 35 (or 40 for humanities and social sciences), with a PhD degree from prestigious Chinese or foreign institutions of higher learning or research institutes, and have made outstanding academic achievements in the frontier area. 

05 报名方式

Registration information


Sign up at the ECNU Public Platform for Talent Recruitment (http://www.jobs.ecnu.edu.cn), or contact with SKLEC recruitment team with email (rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn).Deadline for online application: May 20, 2020.


06 联系方式

Contact information





Recruitment Office at the Personnel Department of ECNU

Tel: +86-21-62235058

Contact: Mr. Wang (jhwang@admin.ecnu.edu.cn)





State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research

Tel: +86-21-5483602154836003

Contact: Ms. Jiang, Ms. Liu

Email: rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn


07 关于华东师范大学和河口海岸学国家重点实验室

About ECNU and SKLEC




East China Normal University is one of the national Double First-rate universities (Category A) located in Shanghai, a cultural metropolis and the center for international economy, finance, trade, shipping, and scientific and technological innovation.Inspired by its vision of Creativity, Character and Community, ECNU, while continuing to lead China's teacher education, is working hard towards the goal of becoming an internationally renowned high-level research university with a number of first-class disciplines and well-coordinated disciplinary development. It strives to become a world-class research university by 2020 and to build itself into a first-rate university in the world by the mid-21st century.

The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), East China Normal University (ECNU), is located in Shanghai. The laboratory was initiated by the State Planning Commission of China in 1989, and went into full operation in December 1995. At present there are more than 90 fulltime faculties and staffs in the laboratory, including research scientists, technicians and administrative staffs.

The scientific findings of the Laboratory have been transferred to new technologies that support the sustainable development in the coastal zone, especially for large-scale engineering schemes. In the last decades, the laboratory was involved in national comprehensive survey on coastal natural resources, the building of harbors/ports, dredging and regulating of navigation channels, as well as the protection of coastal wetlands and engineering structures.

For more than 20 years, Open, Exchange, Collaboration and Competition have become the basic principle in the daily running of the laboratory. Unique capabilities have been developed in terms of personnel, research/experimental skills and infrastructure that generate high quality scientific results and, on such a basis, provide guidelines for solving the various problems associated with the rivers, estuaries and coasts, in China and abroad. SKLEC has become a national base for high level research of estuarine and coastal environments and professional training in China.







Attached: East China Normal University website:


The State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research website:
