2022 Online International Forum for Young Scientists (Scholars) of East China Normal University
(Sub-Forum for Island Atmosphere and Ecology Science)
To promote the academic exchange and in-depth cooperation with outstanding young scholars at home and abroad, ECNU has taken the initiative to host the annual International Forum for Young Scientists (Scholars). During this forum, the Institute of Eco-Chongming (IEC) will host the online sub-forum focusing on the hotspot issues of island atmosphere and ecology science. Through invited speeches and academic seminars, the sub-forum aims at enhancing the understanding of outstanding young scholars on IEC, ECNU, and Shanghai.
II. Forum Agenda
The forum is planned to be held in April 2022. The detailed agenda of the forum will be announced later.
III. Registration conditions
Fields and disciplines: Ecology, Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geoscience, Carbon Science and Technology and other related fields.
Young scientists (scholars) should be under the age of 40, with a PhD degree from universities or research institutions at home and abroad, and have made outstanding academic achievements in the frontier area of their disciplines.
IV. Registration Information
即日起,有意参加论坛的优秀人才可在华东师范大学人才招聘平台中的青年科学家论坛中进行注册申请,平台网址:http://www. jobs.ecnu.edu.cn。
From now on, applicants can register online in our website (http://: www.jobs.ecnu.edu.cn).
Deadline for online application: March 30, 2022
The Institute of Eco-Chongming will invite some of the young scientists to attend the online forum according to the applications.
V. Contact information
联系人:王老师;联系电话:+86-21- 54836171;联系邮箱:cwang@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
(1)Recruitment Office at the Personnel Department of ECNU
Contact: Mr. Wang, Tel: +86-21- 54836171, Email: cwang@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
(2)Institute of Eco-Chongming
Contact: Ms. Lu, Tel: +86-21-59611221, Email: mxlu@chm.ecnu.edu.cn
Attached: Introduction to IEC
The Institute of Eco-Chongming (IEC), with the approval by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, was established by East China Normal University as the leading unit, in collaboration with Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and the People's Government of Chongming District. IEC is the institution supported by the “Island Atmosphere and Ecology” discipline under the Shanghai Class IV Peak Disciplinary Development Program.
IEC's mission is 1) to establish scientific, technological, and policy pillars to support the construction of Chongming to be a world-class ecological island and 2) to establish an international research platform for ecology and Earth system sciences. It actively serves the national strategy and meets the requirements of China and the Shanghai city to build a world-class ecological island of Chongming. It targets to develop multiple scientific disciplines, meet the scientific and societal demand nationally and internationally, follow the principle of collaborative innovation, and integrate interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral innovation strengths. It takes advantage of the cluster of resources and strengths from multiple universities and institutions to create an incentive synergy to stimulate innovation and creativity.
At present, IEC has five centers (Center for Atmospheric Environment Security, Center for Ecological Conservation and Restoration, Center for Disaster Risk and Prevention, Center for Carbon Cycle Science and Technology, Center for Intelligent Monitoring and Simulation) and one think tank (High-end Think Tank of Ecological Civilization).
East China Normal University website: http://www.ecnu.edu.cn/
Institute of Eco-Chongming website: http://chm.ecnu.edu.cn/
Institute of Eco-Chongming
March 2022