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张铭教授:Soil and Groundwater Contamination-An Interdisciplinary Challenge

发布日期: 2018-03-12   作者:   浏览次数 17

讲座题目:Soil and Groundwater Contamination-An Interdisciplinary Challenge
主讲人: 张铭 教授
主持人: 谢冰 教授
开始时间 : 2018-3-12(周一)下午15:00
讲座地址 : 闵行校区 资环楼435会议室
主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处

         张铭教授是日本产业技术综合研究所研究组组长,兼日本东北大学客座教授,国际知名岩土水文学和岩土环境工程专家,1986年于中国矿业大学获学士学位,1989年获硕士学位,1996年于日本九州大学获博士学位。曾历任元日本科学技術振興事业团 (现JST的前身)博士后研究员,元日本地质地质调查所首位终身聘用外国人主任研究官,日本最大规模国立产业技术综合研究所主任研究员,组织机构评估和设计主干,主任研究员,现为该所地球科学领域土壤污染与整治技术开发重点战略研究方向的学术带头人。
         张铭教授是美国试验和材料学会(ASTM International)会员,D18岩石和土壤委员会委员,ASTM E50环境评价风险管理和对策委员会委员,美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)会员,ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste杂志副主编,美国地球物理学会(AGU)终身会员,国际标准化组织(ISO) TC190土质技术委员会专家,日本经济产业省(METI)及石油天然气金属矿物资源机构(JOGMEC) 等国家机构项目评委,日本持续发展污染整治研讨协会(SuRF-Japan)副会长,中国地球科学促进会(IPACES)成员,拥有近30年的研究、教育和项目管理等丰富经历。

         Soil and groundwater contamination is frequently caused by industrial activities and can be considered as a “negative heritage” of industrial development. While the situation of soil and groundwater contamination has become more and more serious in rapidly developing countries, such as in China, remediation of contaminated soil remains a big challenge even in highly developed countries, like Japan. This presentation briefly introduces the history of soil and groundwater in Japan, research and development associated with geo-environmental issues which have been performing at the geological survey of Japan, national institute of advanced industrial science and technology (AIST). The topics will cover advances in technologies for remediating the soil and groundwater contaminated with heavy metals and volatile organic components (VOCs) from the viewpoint of risk assessment.